Rub it Right Salsa (why haven't we posted this before?!)
With just a little effort you can have some amazing salsa for your next party. Or do what we did and make a TON of it and stock your pantry (or prep for gift giving!)
Begin by charring 6 tomatoes, 1 whole onion, and 2 spicy peppers (we went the habanero route) either on the grill or in the oven (in a pan) at 450°, bottom rack. Make sure to put the stem side up. You really only want a good char on one side of the tomato. The other two veggies can take a pretty good char. Oh. Go ahead and toss some Rub it Right on there too.
Give the tomatoes about 20-30 minutes. (We obviously started with way more than 6 tomatoes.) The onions can take a little while longer while the peppers won't need that whole time. They should look like this when you remove them from the heat... Add another good pinch of Rub it Right then too.
Put 6 charred tomatoes, 1 whole charred onion, and 2 charred peppers in a blender. Add 3 cloves of fresh garlic, 2 TBS of Rub it Right, and 1 TBS of salt. Pulse until you reach desired chunkiness and add the right amount of cilantro for you (we know some of you weirdos think cilantro tastes soap, so feel free to leave it out). Tada! That's some yummy stuff! If you made a lot of it, follow canning instructions and store for a long time! Email us if you need help with the canning bit. Enjoy your fiesta!
(The salsa is on the far right. We had quite a busy day with salsa and pickles and such... did you know you can use Rub it Right in your pickle brine too?!)